How to remove a condo board member? Can a board member be removed? Why to remove a board member? The designated board member is entitled to serve out his term.
However, as the Board is then required to provide notice of the meeting AND proposed wording for the resolution (s.3 (5)), the original request or “petition” from the owners must contain the language for the resolution.
Vote the HOA Board Member Out. Another option, but possibly the most difficult, is to vote a member off the board. The procedures required for removing a board member vary, and again depend on the applicable state law and governing documents.
Typically this is a last resort, since the process is usually complicate lengthy, and can get expensive. An introduction to what you need to know about condo boards, including who can serve on the board and how they are elected. Powers and Duties – Information on some of the general powers and duties of condo boards.
Condo Board Conduct – Board members must follow certain standards of conduct in running condominium corporations.