What the income test is. We use an income test to help us work out your payment. Your income can affect your payment. If you get Child support payments, we won’t count this as income.

We may also use a partner income test and a parental means test. We’ll base your rate on the test that in the lowest payment rate. This is the amount we count in your income test. Examples of assessable income. Assessable income includes the gross employment income you earn from work.
We reduce your payment by cents for every dollar over $ 165. If you have dependent children, your partner can earn more before it affects your payment. The amount depends on your child’s age and situation.
Austudy and partner income. If your partner has kept their job during the coronavirus pandemic, it will affect your Centrelink application. However they will assess your partner ’s income and assets and it may affect your payment. Partner income testing — the partner income test cut-out will increase to $086.
Throwaway for obvious reasons. Turns out the amount I can earn and her still be eligible is significantly different - over $0fortnight, or $20year difference! Income can include combined parental taxable income , income from overseas, adjusted fringe benefits, maintenance payments from a former partner and net passive business losses.